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How to Filter Recruitment Data and Manage Candidate Statuses

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Managing recruitment data and candidate statuses in an HRMS (Human Resource Management System) is essential for efficient hiring processes. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to filter data and manage candidate statuses effectively.

  • Go to the left-hand side menu and click on “Recruitment.”
  • Select “Recruitment Process” from the expanded list.
  • Click on the filter icon (funnel symbol) located in the top right corner.
  • Open the filter panel to start setting up your filters.
  • Field: Choose the field you want to filter by (e.g., Job Title, Applicant Status).
  • Condition: Select the condition (e.g., Equal, Contains).
  • Query: Enter the value for the selected field.
  • Operation: Add more filters using “AND” or “OR” operations, if needed.
  • Click on the “Search” button to filter the recruitment data based on your criteria.
  • Click on the gear icon next to the filter icon.
  • Select the columns you want to display or hide in your recruitment table (e.g., Name, Email, Designation).
  • Navigate to different candidate status tabs like “Applied,” “Shortlist,” “Interview,” etc., to view candidates by their current status.
  • Click on a candidate’s name to update their status, such as moving them to “Shortlist” or “Interview.”
  • Applied: Candidates who have submitted their applications.
  • Shortlist: Candidates selected for further consideration.
  • Interview: Candidates scheduled for an interview.
  • Re-Interview: Candidates requiring another interview.
  • Qualified: Candidates deemed qualified.
  • Non-Qualified: Candidates not meeting the requirements.
  • Offered: Candidates who have received a job offer.
  • Offer Accepted: Candidates who have accepted the job offer.
  • Rejected: Candidates who have been declined for the role.

By following these steps, you can efficiently filter recruitment data, customize your viewing preferences, and manage candidate statuses, including handling rejected candidates, within your HRMS system. This will help ensure a streamlined recruitment process and allow you to keep track of all candidates effectively.

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