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How to create, edit and manage announcements?

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  1. Start from the Dashboard:
  • After logging in, locate and click on the “Dashboard” option in the main navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
  1. Navigate through the Dashboard:
  • Once you are in the “Dashboard” section, look for the sub-menu that lists various dashboard options.
  • Click on the “Announcement” option to enter the Announcements section.
  1. Click on the “+ Add Announcement” Button.
  • This button is usually found in the top right corner of the Announcements section.
  1. Enter the Announcement Title.
  • The title should be concise and informative.
  1. Enter the Subject of the Announcement.
  • This is a brief summary or the main focus of the announcement.
  1. Set the Announcement Date.
  • Choose the date when the announcement will be published or made visible.
  1. Set the Expiry Date.
  • Determine the duration for which the announcement will be active. After this date, the announcement will no longer be visible.
  1. Write the Announcement Description.
  • Provide the full details of the announcement. Use formatting tools to highlight important information.
  1. Set the announcement Status.
  • Toggle the switch to enable or disable the announcement. Ensure it’s turned on if you want it to be active immediately.
  1. Save the Announcement.
  • Once all the details are filled in, click the “Save” button to publish the announcement.
  1. View the List of Announcements.
  • After creating announcements, they will appear in a list. You can see the title, date, and status.
  1. Edit or Delete an Announcement.
  • To edit an existing announcement, click on the three dots next to the status toggle.
  • Select “Edit” to modify the announcement details or “Delete” to remove it from the list.
  1. Access Column Preferences:
  • Click on the gear icon next to the “+ Add Announcement” button.
  • This will open the “Columns Preferences” menu.
  1. Select or Deselect Columns:
  • Check or uncheck the boxes next to each column name (e.g., Sr.#, Title, Description, Date, Status) to customize which columns you want to be visible.
  1. Change the Number of Visible Entries:
  • Locate the dropdown menu labeled “Show X entries” above your list of announcements.
  • Select how many entries (10, 25, 50, or 100) you want to view per page.
  1. Use the Search Function:
  • In the “Search” box at the top right of your announcements list, type in any keyword or title to quickly locate a specific announcement.

With these steps, you can efficiently manage your announcements, ensuring that your users are always informed about the latest updates. Whether you’re announcing a new feature, event, or important notice, following this guide will help you communicate effectively with your audience.

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